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National Media Authority (formerly Radio and Television Union)
• Pumping - National Investment Bank - investments to the National Information Authority "Radio and Television Union previously" estimated at 2.4 billion pounds during the period from 2009/2010 to 2016/2017, the main objectives were:
- Providing unbiased and objective information in dealing with events, issues and problems.
- The spread of radio transmission throughout the country, especially Sinai, Halaib and Shalatin.
- Providing a large amount of assets (buildings, land, studios, equipment, radio and television stations) to achieve leadership in the media field.
• These investments contributed to the completion of many constructions and supplies to the National Media Authority, the most important of which are:
- Establishment of Media Production City and Nilesat.
- The establishment of (9) radio networks comprising 32 local, Arab and international radio stations.
- The number of (21) satellite channels broadcast on the Egyptian satellite "Nile Sat", including the number of (18) specialized channels (educational - sports - cultural - drama - miscellaneous .... etc), the number of (3) America - Nile International).
- The establishment of a number of (3) regional channels broadcast on the terrestrial and satellite network.
- The establishment of (560) stations, including the number of (271) radio station, the number (289) television station, spread throughout the country through 75 radio and television broadcasting centers.
- Establishment of 150 studios (53 radio studios, 97 television studios).
- Supply of the latest equipment, equipment and means of technology and communications in the field of broadcasting, production and programming of local and imported.
- Production of a huge balance of works of art (series - movies - programs - nights ... etc).